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Professional Experience

Postdoctoral Researcher May 2023 - to date
Department of Environmental Microbiology, Eawag, Switzerland
Main topics: characterization of drinking water microbiology with focus on premise plumbings, Legionella and protists


Ph.D. in Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering November 2019 - June 2023
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Main topics: advanced techniques for the monitoring and management of microbiological water quality in drinking water distribution systems.

Visiting researcher March - August 2022
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Main topics: eukaryotic analysis from drinking water distribution systems metagenomes.

M.Sc. in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering September 2016 - April 2019
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Final mark: 110/110 cum laude
Thesis title: Micropollutants risk assessment in the context of wastewater reuse for irrigation: a modeling approach.

Visiting student August 2017 - October 2018
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark
Performed activities: environmental engineering courses and thesis work under the scholarships "Tesi all'estero" offered by Politecnico di Milano.

B.Sc. in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering September 2013 - September 2016
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Final mark: 110/110 cum laude
Thesis title: Comparison of H2O2/UV and TiO2/UV processes in the decoloration of methylene blue.


5th International Viromics Workshop 11th - 13th May 2022
Ohio State University, USA
Main topics: bioinformatic and experimental approaches to study viral ecology.

Parallel Factor Analysis for DOM fluorescence 4th - 30th October 2020
Chalmers University of Technology, Technical University of Denmark (remote)
Main topics: PARAFAC theory, data handling, fluorescence dataset modelling, model validation and interpretation.

Model-guided Data Science Summer School 2nd - 6th September 2019
Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Italy
Main topics: bayesian latent variables models, unsupervised learning of features from data, reinforcement learning.

SMART Drinking Water Treatments Summer School 1st - 5th July 2019
Università di Ferrara, Italy
Main topics: sustainable drinking water treatment processes, selection of adequate treatment technologies.


See the publications page.

Invited talks

Drinking water distribution systems: a land of microbiological variability 10th August 2022
ITiMIS Science Salon, University of Michigan (USA)

Metagenomic exploration of eukaryotic abundance and diversity in drinking water distribution systems 9th November 2022
Eawag (CH)

Graduate teaching assistant A.Y. 2019/20 - to date
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Course title: Statistical Models and Stochastic Processes
Course topics: descriptive statistics, probabilistic models, stochastic processes, markovian chains, statistical inference, multiple regression, hypothesis testing, multivariate analysis, R software.

Lecturer 2020 and 2022 editions
FAST Academy, Italy
Professional course title: Potabilization: sustainable system management
Lecture title: Biological stability: conventional and on-line monitoring, modelling tools and monitoring data processing

Lecturer 2020 and 2021 editions
FAST Academy, Italy
Professional course title: Disinfection and wastewater reuse
Lecture title: Risk analysis as a tool for land planning

Graduate teaching assistant A.Y. 2018/2019
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark
Course title: Modelling of Environmental Processes and Technologies
Course topics: environmental statistics including uncertainty assessment, environmental models (ODE-, PDE-based), parameter estimation and optimization, sensitivity analysis.

M.Sc. thesis co-advisor of environmental and computer science engineering students at Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

Other information

  • Member of the Local Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Conference on Disinfectoin and DBPs, 27th June - 1st 2022, Milan, Italy
  • Recipient of the Center of Microbiome Science (CoMS) Travel Award (2K USD) for attendance at the 5th International Viromics Workshop
  • IWA Publishing Young Water Professionals Spotlight blog entry “Drinking water distribution systems: a land of microbiological variability” (
  • Steering Committee member ``Technical Training Coordinator” of Young Water Professionals Italy (YWPIT) (February 2022 - to date)
  • Member of the Local Organizing Committee of 5th IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment (EcoSTP), 21st - 25th June 2021, Milan, Italy